• Rules for magic complete
  • Setting information in progress
  • Expansion of protagonist creation rules in progress
  • For use with System Vivo

“The fate of our times is characterized by rationalization and intellectualization and, above all, by the disenchantment of the world.” — Max Weber

Rediscovering Magic and Myth in a World That Has Forgotten

As you sit in your office cubicle, arranging numbers on another spreadsheet, you think that there must be something more than this. But the experts tell you there is no meaning in the universe. They say primitive people bowed and scraped to imaginary gods or engaged in rituals in a vain attempt to control their chaotic surroundings. Sure, some people still worship a god, but they don’t really believe, do they? Only a fool takes their horoscope seriously, and that weird woman who reads Tarot cards is a charlatan taking money from the gullible. No, there is nothing more than this material existence. Yet something gnaws at you, some part of you insists there is more. The experts explain this away as a biological legacy, an obsolete circuit buried in your brain that aided our survival once upon a time. And yet …

The Re-Enchantment of the World

Once upon a time, the gods talked to us and we worked miracles with our magic. Somehow, the magic disappeared and the gods fell silent; our world became disenchanted. Or did it? Maybe we just stopped listening to the gods. Maybe we became so skilled manipulating the material world, that we shut the spirit world out. Indeed, the enchanted world is still there, even if we refuse to acknowledge it.

In this genre book for use with System Vivo, we will explore what it would be like to discover that our world is re-enchanting. The book includes an open-ended magic system, and expands the rules to include undead horrors, and spirits beneficent and malign. It offers two modes of play for your campaign. Your protagonists can be normal people whose adventure begins when they encounter the enchanted world in a way that cannot be explained away. Alternatively, you can begin play with protagonists who are mages, witches, and shamans at the vanguard of a world that is rediscovering enchantment. For a long campaign, combine the two modes, with the protagonists starting as normal people who learn magic and become part of the enchanted world.

This product is currently in development. The magic system is complete and has been play tested. I am currently writing out the setting information and expanding character creation rules based on results of play testing. Release is slated for Q4 2025.