
3.13.2025 @ 5:47 am edt: System Vivo is finished!

System Vivo is complete and the digital file has been delivered to the distributor, DriveThruRPG

3.7.2025 @ 10:42 am est: Los Huachafos Gaming is now in business!

With this post, Los Huachafos Gaming is in business. I have been working over the past two years on a full version of System Vivo, my rules system for running role playing games. Vivo is almost ready for publication; I am currently finishing the layout and it will be available next week. Vivo is optimal for running horror, near future, and (low) urban fantasy games. I hope you will check it out.

By the end of the year, my next project, The Enchanted World, will be available. It uses Vivo as its rules system and explores the themes of disenchantment and re-enchantment of the world. That is, where did the gods go and why did we stop working magic, and what happens if those return. It will feature an open system for magic (already mostly complete and being play tested). And I am currently working on setting information so that you can set up your campaign and get playing quickly.

My other project in development is The Eldritch World. It is the mirror of The Enchanted World, dealing with a universe that is uninterested in us and devoid of meaning. I draw heavily from the works of H.P. Lovecraft, but this is not another Cthulhu game. There are plenty of those already.

Last but not least, I have begun outlining a straight fantasy game tentatively titled Cowboys and Witches (or maybe Vaqueros y Brujahs). Why is all fantasy swords and sorcery? How about six shooters and spell slinging instead.

Regardless, please stop by from time to time and check out what’s new!